The woman accusing Russell Simmons of raping her twice, and already filed one lawsuit, is in New York to file a police report with the NYPD and also appear on Megyn Kelly‘s talk show.
Jennifer Jarosik and her attorney Perry Wander went to lunch Monday at Le Bernardin, one of the city’s top restaurants. We’re told while on the East Coast, Jarosik will be participating in an interview for “Megyn Kelly Today.”
The Blast broke the story, Jarosik plans on filing police reports with the NYPD and LAPD — she alleges the Def Jam founder raped her at his NYC home in 2011, and then his LA home in 2016.
Megyn Kelly is not only doing have Jarosik on her show, as we previously reported, Nicole Eggert will also be interviewed to talk about Scott Baio.